Scale for Carbon Organic Resilient Ethereal
“SCORE – Scale for Carbon Organic Resilient Ethereal” is an ESA-funded Feasibilty Study that aims to develop a pioneering Earth Observation-based rating system to assess carbon projects across agricultural land, urban areas, and coastal ecosystems of Posidonia seagrass.
During the project, pilot case studies across the world will be conducted with the support of different stakeholders who expressed their interest in participating.


agriculTurE wAste PyrOlysis and Thermocomposting for renewable energy in Sustainable agri-food sector

TEAPOTS is a Horizon Europe project aimed to offer innovative integrated, modular, and flexible solutions to address local and seasonal energy demands by valorizing agricultural waste and reducing pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. The project will develop a solution that meets farmers’ energy needs while valorizing agricultural waste and reducing associated emissions linked to fossil fuels.
Satellite Monitoring of Soil OrgAnic Carbon in Kenya

Eureka Innowwide SMACK project (2022-18498/IW/CALL 1 – SMACK) wants to create an innovative index that maps the soil carbon potential. The index will test several agricultural soils in Kenya and will develop a dynamic and accurate satellite-based methodology to define the true carbon value of an agricultural soil.

Carbon Organic Resilient Ethereal

Kick-start initiative – Thematic Call for Proposal ‘Carbon Capture, Storage and Sequestration’, which aims at creating a SCENARIO (Soil Carbon protEctioN And RestoratIOn) Index mapping the global soil carbon potential and able to simulate future scenarios describing the real value of agricultural land.
Carbon Organic Resilient Ethereal

Kick-start initiative – Thematic Call for Proposal ‘Carbon Capture, Storage and Sequestration’, which aims at creating a SCENARIO (Soil Carbon protEctioN And RestoratIOn) Index mapping the global soil carbon potential and able to simulate future scenarios describing the real value of agricultural land.
The farmer's toolbox for climate change mitigation

Erasmus+ KA2 project (n. 2020-1-IT01-KA226-VET-008891) aimed at developing Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) skills for students and farmers. The objective is to generate awareness about challenges of climate change, enabling free access to practical knowledge in order to invest in and update agricultural practices.

The farmer's toolbox for climate change mitigation
Erasmus+ KA2 project (n. 2020-1-IT01-KA226-VET-008891) aimed at developing Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) skills for students and farmers. The objective is to generate awareness about challenges of climate change, enabling free access to practical knowledge in order to invest in and update agricultural practices.